Tuesday, October 23, 2012

My monologue with my own shoes :-|

O my dear shoes.. Such a beautiful shoes you are.. Yet I haven't used you for years.. O such a waste! Please gimme your apology, o my dear shoes! Forgive me..

Please.. O please.. Don't get broken, my lovely shoes.. Stay strong! I promise you that I will use you confidently.. Later.. Not now.. Maybe 2 years later? Ok.. Ok.. know.. I know.. It's still a long time to go.. I know..

But please do me a favor.. I beg you.. Just stay strong! And.. Don't get broken.. I will use you and walk confidently later in Seoul, South Korea.. Aamiin..

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dealing with Skripsi *_*

Now, I am currently working on my skripsi writing. It is fun! Yap, conducting a research is fun, challenging and..... errrr... over frustating o_O

It happens especially when you spend hours facing your laptop's LCD, get stuck in front of your laptop and no single word is even coming out.. Huaaaa so frustrating!

I have been sitting for a half day just to revise my chapter II of Literature Review.. and I guess I have not made any progress yet.. Huaaaaaa..


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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

First trying of blogging through BLOGGEROID!

Assalammualaikum bloggers..

As you see my posting title, this posting will be about trying to do blogging through Bloggerroid from my new phone, Samsung.. LOL..

I wonder if this posting will turn out well? So, this is what I'm doing right now, trying it out :-P

Why did I choose Bloggeroid instead of Blogger? Well, FYI, I chose Blogger app at first, but I dont know why it didnt work out on my phone.. I cant log in to my blogger's account :-(
Thats why I choose this app, because it works.. Hahaha :-D

If this post will turn out well, I mean that you can read my posting, then I promise myself that I will do blogging often XD

Later, I will check it out on pc to make sure it is published :-*

On my next posting, I will tell you guys about my first timer backpacking to KL and Singapore..

Here are some spoilers photos of me on Petronas tower and Universal Studios ;-)



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