Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Backpacking to Kuala Lumpur & Singapore

Assalamu'alaykum teman-teman sekalian..

This posting is published in order to fullfil my promise earlier related to my trip to KL and Singapore..
It was happened in 2012, and now is already 2013.. hahahahaha :-)))))
Well, does not matter :-P
Just simply click on the round button to play the slide show :-P


Kuala Lumpur & Singapore Slideshow: Nevita’s trip to 3 cities including  Singapura was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

January 30th, 2013

Assalamu'alaykuuuuummmm *\(^_^)/*

How's life? Good? I hope you do, cause I do feel the same :-)

Oh.. I can't wait for sharing a good news happened to me few days ago.. :-D

On January 30th, 2013.. Alhamdulillahhhhh, I passed my thesis exam.. Now i ain't a (c)S.Pd a.k.a calon S.Pd anymore hahahahay, but I am a real S.Pd.. Oh yeah... Hahahaha.. *goyang pinggul*

Alhamdulillah ya Rabb.. The Beneficent, The Merciful.. All praise is due to Allah SWT, because of the blessing I could finish my skripsi.. Alhamdulillahhhhh.. *ambil tissue*

During the process of writing skripsi 'till the exam, I received billions of supports, helps, and love.. I'd like to express my greatest gratitude for my thesis advisor named Dra. Lina Yudianti, my family, and all my friends.. Thank you very much.. *ambil tissue lagi*
Putting your names in my doa is all I can do to express my gratitude.. May Allah SWT bless your life.. Aamiin.. Aamiin.. Aamiin..

Nah, as a freshgradute, which path should I choose? I'm confused @_@

Should I be a teacher or should I work in office? Which one yaaa? Hayooooo loohh bingung kan -___-"
Pffttt.. *dilema of being a freshgraduate*

Well, olders say that being a teacher is the most suitable carreer for women since you guys as women will be a mother, don't you? Hmmm.. I couldn't agree more..

Hmmm I've experienced working at office, even though only as a freelancer :-P
And..... I think it didn't suit me -,-

Then, does it mean I should be a teacher instead? ......

*to be continued*

So sorry for not posting anything for months, I had been busy at that time.. Mianhe :-D


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