Friday, October 21, 2011

Curcol :-P

I wanna share about my stories lately.. wanna know? wanna know?

Well, do you still remember about my "gebetan" a.k.a someone whom I like? hehehe..

I was sure.. really really sure.. that I wrote on my previous posting that I would give him up? Right? Right?


Oh my goodness, honestly I'm fall for him AGAIN!! huaaaaaa.. :(((
This can't be happened :((

huaaaaa :((

Tadinya jurus-jurus silatnya udah gue tangkis yaaa, eh tapi apa dayaku.. dia mengeluarkan jurus silat paling sakti sak indonesia rayaaa!! dan gueee K.O.. I'm giving up.. You're just TOO good to be true..

maaf ya kl gambar sayaa jelek,, tp yaa kira2 beginilahh yaa keadaan sayaa sekarang,, heeheh


Ajeng Aryanti said...

ini lebay maksimal pasti nih hahahaha

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