Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Those who feel sad (Barangsiapa yang merasa sedih)

God loves his creatures so much.. He always wants us as His creatures, especially human, to keep on the right track.. Hence, as one of His creatures, we sometimes got "admonition" if we cross His track too far.. No matter how hard His "admonitions" are, either it is formed as a hard illness, bancruptcy, losing beloved, disaster, broken hearted or anything else that make you down, it is all for your sake, for us sake.. He wants us "sobered" from our "critical" condition.. He wants us to know that we are wrong.. He wants us making things we have been messed-up up so that we could get a better life..

Don't you realize my friends, that we always do complain for everything  we think unfair.. We scream out.. We weep buckets.. Seems like it is the end of the day.. Seems like we have nought self esteem to face people.. Have you ever feel it? me? I do.. yeah I do.. I am surely feel it right now and it is not only the first..

People might say:
  • It is so fucking unfair, why X got an A and I only got C?!!! A is not as dilligent and smart as me! Holy crap!!!!! Bastrad!!!! #@*>?#
  •  Goshhhh, why I got this shit illness? I do physical exercises everyday! I do eat healthy food! Why God???? Whyyyyyyy???? it's not fairrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!! GODAMNIT!!!!!!
  •  You know that I have no one in my life, then why You take my only one?????  
  •  Why me????? Whyyyyyyyy?????? *hiks..hiks.. #weeping
  •  etc.. etc.. [those are maybe only exist in my wild imagination, fiction :) ]

am I ever felt it? OH MY GOD YESSSSSSS!!!
am I weeping? surely YES!
am I sad? thousands billions percent YES!
am I feeling what I already wrote above? YES YES YES!

No matter how hard your burden is, La Tahzan my friends.. Don't be sad :) C'mon, we should move on! Life is not as wide as banana leaves :)

I am not telling you that sadness is not permitted, being sad is humane.. But over-sadness will lead you into depression.. Have you ever feel the following for at least two weeks??
  1. lose in natural appetite
  2. insomnia and hypertension
  3. pshycomotor agitation (slow in movements)
  4. easy to feel tired
  5. have no pride and always blame yourself
  6. complaining
  7. thinking about death or suicide
  8. lose interest in every activities you always do
watch out if you ever felt it approximately for two weeks, my friends.. because according to Robert E. Lane in The Loss Happiness in Market Democration, those are criterias of depression..

Sadness and depression can extinguish your hopes, slay your wish, and congeal your spirit.. Sadness and depression is like a fever which paralyse your life spirit and keep yourself out from happiness.. God commands us to sweep all of our sadness aside, never give up, and defeat the sadness we felt.. Bliss or happiness is a heaven on earth, so it is our responsibility to pursue and create our own, and also don't forget to always "keep contact" with Him..

You must be wondering why I wrote this post.. so rarely happened right? lol..
Well.. to be honest, I got a very very very bad score for my final exam this semester. The worst in my entire life!!! So.. in order to recover my sadness, remotivated my self, and the utmost important is to prevent my self from weeping buckets, I write this post..

here are some motivated quotes I found in Google.com:
For me, it's so powerful :)

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain."  Maya Angelou

"Don't complain because you don't have.  Enjoy what you've got."  H. Stanley Judd

"Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well."  Jim Rohn

"You can overcome anything if you don't bellyache."  Bernard M. Baruch

"Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals."  Martin Luther King, Jr.

"Take it easy -- but take it."  Woody Guthrie

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."  Robert Frost

"Obstacles are those things you see when you take your eyes off the goal."  Hannah More

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they're supposed to help you discover who you are." Bernice Johnson Reagon

"If you can dream it, you can build it, let’s build your own “city”" . Zynga Cityville, Facebook

C'mon man, life must go on!!! :)


Allahumma inni a’udzubika minal hammi wal zubni, wal ‘ajzi wal kasali, wal bukhli wal jubni, wal dhola’id baini wa gholabatir rijal 

(Ya Allah, sesungguhnya aku berlindung kepada-Mu dari kesusahan, kesedihan, kelemahan, kemalasan, kekikiran, berhati pengecut, terbelit hutang, dan tertindas oleh yang lain.)



moliinsaioi said...

such a great spirit booster!!!

Nevita Indah said...

hayhayhayyy thank you molincaaa :D

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